- Use a running/agility ladder to perform these exercises. Some of these may also be performed  on  bleachers,  stairs  or  plyometric  boxes,  if  available.  

    - Do each of these exercises at least 2x before moving on to the next one.
    - These exercises should be done with focus on power, not speed.  
    - Landing technique is also very important. Bend your knees to absorb the shock from landing.



    1.     Power Hops

    Hop with both feet through the ladder.  Ankles should be touching, weight on the balls of the feet.  Maintain good balance and rhythm. Focus on jumping high and landing with proper





















    2.        Ice Skater (one foot)

    •  Begin with your left foot in the first square and your right foot outside the square on the right.

    •  Hop with both feet placing the right foot in the second square the same time the left foot is

    outside the square on the left.

    •  Repeat this pattern as you move forward on the ladder.


                         2L                       4L                         6L















              1R                     3R                          5R


    3-4. One Foot

    •    Hop on your right foot through the ladder.

    •    Focus on soft landing

    •    Repeat with the left foot.



    5. Two Out, Two In

    •    Begin with both feet in the first square.

    •    Hop with both feet landing outside of the first square.

    •    Hop with both feet landing inside the second square.

    •    Hop with both feet landing outside the second square.

    •    Maintain a good rhythm.

    •    Continue the pattern forward on the ladder.


    6-7. Single leg jumps

    •    Begin standing with both feet in the first square.

    •    Flex your right knee and jump as high as possible into the second square.

    •    Flex your right knee while landing on it to absorb force, and then repeat down the ladder

    with a constant rhythm.

    •    Repeat with the left leg.

    8-10. Forward Two/Back One

    •    Begin with both feet in the first square.

    •    Jump as high as possible to the third square.

    •    Hop back to the second square.

    •    Jump as high as possible to the fourth square.

    •    Hop back to the third square.

    •    Continue with same pattern.

    •    Jump high when you go forward and hop softly backward.

    •    Maintain a good rhythm.

    •    You can also do this one with one leg at a time.


    11-12. Lateral Hops

    •    Begin standing in the first square facing to the left.

    •    Hop with both feet down the ladder as fast as possible facing in this direction.

    •    Be sure that both feet touch the floor in each square.

    •    Continue facing in the same direction and hop back in the other direction.

    •    After completion of this, perform exercise using the forward two/back one pattern.


    13-14. Lateral Jumps

    •    This is the same as number 14 except you are jumping high instead of hopping.

    •    Flex your knees each time you land and push off again.

    •    Be sure that both feet land in each square at the same time.

    •    Perform this in both directions.

    •    Maintain a good rhythm.