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Loughlin receives award at apprentice graduation

Loughlin receives award at MCVTS apprentice graduation

Retiring Superintendent of Schools Brian J. Loughlin received an award for supporting career and technical education at the annual apprentice graduation of the Middlesex County Vocational and Technical Schools.

Loughlin, who will step down on Aug. 31 after eight years as superintendent and 40 years with the district, was presented the Alfred Hudanish Leadership Award for longstanding commitment to career and technical education and apprenticeship. Under his leadership, MCVTS has emphasized apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship, establishing partnerships with the United Brotherhood of Carpenters, the New Jersey Laborers Union, the New Jersey Stagehands Union, and a number of private businesses.

The award was presented May 17 as 42 apprentices graduated from the program, including 16 sponsored by Local 456 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, as well as other electricians and plumbers sponsored by area businesses.

Bernard Treml, state director of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Apprenticeship, congratulated the graduates, who completed between 600 and 900 hours of classroom instruction and between 8,000 and 10,000 hours of on-the-job training over four or five years. Apprenticeship programs combine full-time supervised and structured on-the-job training with part‑time related theoretical instruction. Apprentices who successfully complete the program receive national and state credentials.

Dawn M. Lystad, MCVTS director of adult education and Middlesex County apprenticeship coordinator, introduced class representative Nathan Fisher of New Brunswick, who was chosen for academic performance and leadership, and Ryan Nalepa of Metuchen and Kevin Dower of Monroe, who received the Edward Fofrich Memorial Award as IBEW apprentices who practiced the principles of labor unions by helping classmates in school and co-workers on the job. In addition, Stephen Schultz of Spotswood received the perfect attendance award, and Fisher, Jake Gallagher of Monroe and Nalepa were inducted into the National Technical Honor Society.

The MCVTS Adult School offers day and evening programs in practical nursing, and evening programs in electrical technology; heating, ventilation and air conditioning technology; manicuring; plumbing technology, and skin care, as well as apprentice training in business and office occupations, construction trades and manufacturing industries, and customized training that can be developed to meet the needs of employers.

More information on the Middlesex County Vocational and Technical Schools is available at
