Summer Reading

  • Directions for summer reading. This applies to both honors and college prep English. Students who are rising seniors taking AP English 12 should refer to the AP English directions only

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  • June 2024 

    Dear Parents/Guardians: 

    In order to increase adolescent literacy in the district, your child is required to read at least one book of his or her choosing during the summer break. The book can be chosen based on your child’s interests, grade-level and can be fiction or nonfiction. The book must be at least 300 pages and cannot be the basis for a movie, a television show, or a series. Students are encouraged to read as many books as possible but will only be required to complete an assignment on one book. 

    The resources listed below can assist you and your child in finding a book or books that they would enjoy reading. Students entering Grades 10-12 received book suggestions from their current English teachers before school ended. Students entering. Grade 9 and those not receiving suggestions from their teachers can utilize these resources. 

    As part of the summer reading project, attached are worksheets called “Independent Reading Guide.” They should choose either a fiction or nonfiction worksheet based on their reading choice. When your child returns in September, they will be expected to have completed the worksheets upon arrival to class on the first day of school. Have a great summer and please continue encouraging your child to read! 


    The English Department