Summer Work for Mathematics

  • Khan Academy:  Get Ready Courses!

    Khan Academy offers free get-ready courses for each of our offered courses up to Calculus. It is recommended that students complete the Get Ready Course for the Math course they are entering. These courses are designed to ensure that the underlying skills needed to succeed in that course are there.  Additionally, the teacher will be provided with a wealth of data on their students entering the course and can better tailor the support needed to help each individual student succeed.  

    Please complete the appropriate course.  If you are a returning student, ensure that you are signed in to your student Gmail account whenever on Khan Academy so that your data is saved.  If you are an incoming 9th-grade student, make an account for Khan Academy so your work does not get lost. When you have completed the summer work, you can print out the summary and hand it to your teachers on the first day of school. Most incoming 9th-grade students are placed in Algebra 1. Students who took Algebra 1 in 8th grade and did well on the math readiness test (taken here in June) may be placed in Geometry. Have your child take the course that makes sense based on what they took the year prior. The purpose of this assignment is to keep their math skills strong and prevent any summer learning loss. 

    You do not need to “master” or “level up” for each section. We just ask that you try your very best and to write down any questions that you may have. This data will be reviewed in September and used to make decisions about lessons. Teachers will be able to look for individual gaps in knowledge and see any larger trends that can inform how they approach teaching and assessing students to open up the school year. 

     Get Ready for Algebra I 

     Get Ready for Geometry

     Get Ready for Algebra II

     Get Ready for Precalculus

     Get Ready for Calculus


    Best practices for summer work:

    1. Find a place where you can work without distractions
    2. Complete the summer work independently
    3. Work in a quiet focused, and committed manner for 30-40 minutes.
    4. We strongly suggest that this work be spread out over the duration of the summer to improve long-term retention and readiness.
    5. Have a paper and pencil to write out your work. The answers are submitted digitally, but it can be challenging to complete in your head.