    About the Course
    The purpose of the mathematics course is to teach mathematics fundamentals and applications in continuous and developmental sequence. The course is intended to help students develop and strengthen reasoning skills and build a strong mathematical foundation for future college education.
    The course projects several broad goals for the students to:

    1.  Develop and strengthen reasoning skills and acquire mathematical knowledge.

    2.  Make a logical and systematical transition from basic to advanced mathematics.

    3.  Learn the importance of mathematics in the highly technical society in which we live.

    4.  Learn how to solve mathematical problems encountered in various professional fields.

    5.  Develop the ability to reason and use mathematics as a valuable and productive tool.

    6.  Learn how to express ideas, concepts, and relationships in mathematical terms.

    7.  Apply fundamental principles of mathematics to solve practical problems.

    8.  Build a strong mathematics foundation for further college education.