Point Paper
The student is to observe and follow the Code of Conduct as mandate by Middlesex County Magnet School directives at all time. The student is to:
• Promote a safe school environment at all time.
• Keep all school property always in good condition.
• Create an atmosphere of respect for self, others, and school.
• Observe and obey the following classroom rules at all time:
1. Be in the classroom on time. Restrict any authorized passes to 3 minutes.
2. Come to class prepared with your pencil, calculator, textbook, and notebook.
3. Turn off and put away your cell phone and all electronic devices when in class.
4. Remain seated in your designated student desk and work diligently.
5. Raise your hand for permission to talk or to leave your seat or the classroom.
6. Treat others with respect and promote a healthy academic environment.
7. Assume student responsibilities completing all assignments.
8. Refrain from eating or drinking in the classroom at any time.
9. Follow other directives as instructed by the teacher.
The student is to follow the rules, assume responsibilities and promote a comfortable and productive educational atmosphere for all.
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