• Welcome to  East Brunswick Magnet School. This webpage will provide information and forms that will be used to help maintain your child’s health in the upcoming school year.  Working together will ensure that your child will have a healthy, valuable, and positive learning experience.


    All forms that are referenced can be found on the HEALTH OFFICE FORMS tab.  

School Physicals

  • Required for all NEW students within 30 days of entering the district, students needing working papers and anyone participating in sports. (Sports physicals are required to be completed on a specific state-mandated form – see sports physical information below)

    You may choose:

    • have your own doctor complete the PRIVATE PHYSICIAN’S PHYSICAL FORM (physical must have been completed within 365 days of submission) and attach an immunization record.
    • OR if you DONT have a doctor, the school district will provide your child with a physical (at no cost to you) by our school physician – complete the PARENT/GUARDIAN REQUEST FOR SCHOOL PHYSICAL FORM. 

Contacting You for Medical Issues/Emergencies

  • Your EMERGENCY information should be completed on genesis. Consideration must be made about who is available to pick up your sick child.  Students CANNOT remain in school with fevers, rashes, vomiting, sprains, or any other condition that keeps them from class for an extended period of time or are possibly contagious. This requires VALID phone numbers – if your number changes please alert the school and update it in the Genesis system. 

Sports Physicals

  • State-mandated PREPARTICIPATION PHYSICAL EVALUATION Physical Forms MUST be completed if your child is participating in any sports activity (this physical can be used for an entrance physical as well). You may choose to have your own doctor complete the physical or if you do NOT have a physician, the school district will provide your child with a physical (at no cost to you) by our school physician. Forms and consent for physicals are available on the athletics page.


  • If your child has life-threatening allergies, the Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan form MUST be completed by your child’s doctor.  Epi-Pens are permitted to be self-carried by students if appropriate and ANOTHER epi-pen is required to be kept in the nurse’s office.


  • If your child has seizures, the SEIZURE ACTION PLAN MUST be completed by your child’s doctor.  


  • It is a NJ State Regulation that no child be admitted to school without proof of adequate immunizations.  Proof of immunizations (Form A-45) has been/will be requested from your sending district. If we are unable to obtain this information from your child’s previous school we will request this information from you as your child will not be allowed to remain in school without this information.

Medication Administration during School Hours

  • If your child requires medication to be taken during school HOURS, the AUTHORIZATION FOR MEDICATION TO BE TAKEN DURING SCHOOL HOURS form is required to be completed by you AND your child’s doctor.  This form is required in order to give ANY medication to your child.  Forms from the previous year are not able to be carried over - a new form MUST be completed each year. Please bring the required medication IN THE ORIGINAL CONTAINER WITH PRESCRIPTION LABEL in for your child along with this completed form to the school nurse. All attempts will be made to return medication at the end of the school year.



  • If your child has asthma, the ASTHMA TREATMENT PLAN form MUST be completed by your child’s doctor. Rescue inhalers are permitted to be self-carried by students if appropriate and ANOTHER Rescue inhaler is required to be kept in the nurse’s office.


  • If your child has diabetes, a Diabetes Care for School Plan MUST be completed by your child’s doctor – if your doctor does not have a form that they use, this form may be used. Physician orders need to be available the first day of school in order for your child to receive his/her medication.

Special Accommodations

  • Please contact the school nurse with any updates/changes regarding your student's health.