
    Becuna Becuna & Olympia
    I am planning a field trip to the Philadelphia, Pa. for later this year (date to be determined).  The trip is open to all Juniors and the cost should be less than $20. The trip will include a visit to the Independence Seaport Museum where you will visit the museum, and tour the Becuna, a World War II submarine, and the Olympia, a Spanish-American War naval vessel.  I am also looking into other sites in Philadelphia to visit, time permitting.  We plan to leave at 9 am and to have you back in time for your bus (3:30 PM).  A cafeteria "brown bag lunch" is included, but you can bring your own or buy something there.  It's great fun and you'll learn a lot of neat stuff.  Keep checking back here for more info.
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     AMNH Mamouth AMNH_Journey to the Stars AMNH_Elephants
    I am planning a trip to the American Museum of Natural History in New York City for later this year (date to be determined).  The trip is open to all Freshman and the cost is less than $20, which includes the Hayden Planetarium Space Show. We leave at 9 am and you will be back in time for your bus (3:30 PM).  A cafeteria "brown bag lunch" is included, but you can bring your own or buy it there.  It's great fun and you'll learn a lot of neat stuff.  Keep checking back here for more info.
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