Health Careers
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10th - 34pc545
11th - zlaxge3
12th - 5bf7a5e
Nursing Assistant/Aide, Medical Assistant & Patient Care Technician pathway: Therapeutic Services (CIP 51.3902). Health Careers is a pathway program that prepares students for entry level employment opportunities to provide routine care and assistance to patients under the direct supervision of other health care professionals, and/or to perform routing maintenance, monitoring and general assistance to patients in their homes, hospitals, clinics, Physicians’ offices, long term care facilities, or laboratories. Instruction will include First Aid and CPR certification, Medical Terminology, Basic human anatomy and Physiology, Diseases of major body systems, Blood Borne Pathogens, Medical/Clinical office procedures, Security, HIPPA, Transcribing Medical/Clinical office Procedures, Electronic Medical Records, Sterilization, Safety, nutrition, communication and more. Making students highly marketable and employable as they continue their education.
Grade Health Careers Scope and Sequence
9 Careers in Health Care Professionalism
Safety in Health Care Confidentiality
HIPPA Law & Ethics
Infection Control Intro to Medical Terminology
Communication Medical Math
Intro to Body systems History of Health
10 Medical Terminology 1 Vital Signs
A & P 1 Intro to Clinical Procedures
Intro to Billing & Coding Medical Charting
11 Clinical Procedures Medical Terminology 2
CPR Certification * First aid Certification*
Electronic health records
A&P 2 Billing & Coding
Psychology Intro to Microbiology
12 Medical Terminology 3 Medical Assisting*
Employability skills Physical Exam
Pharmacology Assist in minor surgery
EKG Assist in lab
Instructor: Dana West Email-