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Grading Rubric



    (Grade Calculation)

    Excellent 10-9

    (Total X 2)


    Good 8-7

    (Total X 2)

    Satisfactory 7-6

    (Total X 2)

    Poor 6-0

    (Total X 2)

    Safety in Shop Activities/Cleanup

    Student follows all safety rules and presents a professional attitude towards the assigned task. Exemplifies safety regulations to other students and helps others achieve the same level by keeping work area clean, free of debris, returns tools and equipment to their proper place. Takes an active part in shop maintenance.

    Student follows all safety rules and presents a professional attitude towards assigned task by returning tools and equipment to their proper place. Takes an active part in shop maintenance.

    Student has to be reminded of safety rules occasionally. Needs encouragement to achieve a professional attitude towards assigned task by only taking part in shop maintenance.

    Student fails to follow safety rules or achieve a professional attitude towards assigned task by not taking part in shop maintenance.

    Appearance – Punctuality

    Student is on time, prepared for shop with proper attire, safety equipment, and any other materials needed to start assigned task. Guides other students to achieve same state of readiness.

    Student is on time prepared for shop and class with proper attire, safety equipment, and other materials needed to start assigned task.

    Student has to be encouraged to be on time for shop, class and to get prepared with proper attire, safety equipment and other materials needed to start assigned task.

    Student is late for shop/class, not prepared for assigned task.

    Task Completion

    Student completes assigned task at the highest professional standard. Correctly uses tools and equipment in a responsible manner, tools are returned to their designated area in a clean condition and encourages others to perform at the same level.

    Student completes assigned task at the highest professional standard. Correctly uses tools and equipment in a responsible manner, tools are returned to their designated area in a clean condition.

    Student completes task at a moderate level. Needs direction for the proper tool selection and use. Tools are returned to designated are in a clean condition.

    Student fails to complete task, does not use tools correctly or return tools to designated area in a clean condition.


    Student is respectful of his or herself and others. Does not criticize others work or ideas. Takes on assigned task with enthusiasm.

    Student is not critical of work or ideas of others, has positive attitude towards assigned task. Is respectful towards others.

    Student is usually respectful towards others and is not overly critical of work or ideas of others, is somewhat positive about assigned task.

    Student is critical of work or ideas of other students, is disrespectful towards others or shows a negative attitude towards assigned task.

    Cooperative Learning (working with others)

    Student always listens and shares ideas with others. Supports the ideas and efforts of others. Students feel safe volunteering ideas in his or her presence. Displays leadership qualities.

    Student always listens and shares ideas with others. Supports the ideas and efforts of others. Displays high effort.

    Student occasionally listens and shares ideas with others. Occasionally supports the ideas and efforts of others. Displays minimal effort.

    Student rarely listens and shares ideas with others, often disrupts or discourages the efforts of others to participate. Displays no effort.