- Piscataway Magnet School
- Course Outlines and Expectations
I. Course Description
Read 180 is an intensive reading program designed to help students recognize and
spell words correctly, read with fluency and comprehend the text. The goal of this
program is for your student to read closer to grade level and with a greater degree
of independence. The program consists of whole group instruction, small group
instruction, independent reading and has a computerized portion which is
individualized for each student.
II. Components of Success
Read 180 was originally designed for students with learning disabilities and is proven
effective in accelerating reading achievement for all students‐including those
classified for Special Education services. Equally important students gained interest
in books and reading, and their improved reading skills were translated to other
academic areas. The Read 180 program is scientifically research based, has proven
results and has brought significant gains in reading proficiency for the students who
need it most. It has purposeful assessment and the power to track and analyze
student performance at every step. Read 180 is the only program of its kind that
uses assessment data so effectively to differentiate instruction. Actionable reports
and periodic checkpoints alert teachers to students. needs and direct them to
resource for individualizing instruction.
III. Grading Policy (.5 will be rounded up; 92.5 = A; 92.4 = A‐)
The grading scale is as follows:
90‐100% B
80‐89% C
70‐79% C
65‐69% D
64 and below FPoints will be earned by the students. completion of the following:
**Daily participation/attendance
**Book Quizzes (ScholasticReadingCounts)
**Final Projects
**r Book Activities (Student Workbook)
**Exit Slips
**Marking level group reading
**Progress Reports
Grades will be determined by the point system. At the conclusion of the grading period, points are totaled, percentage calculated, and the school‐wide grading scale applied.
Progress reports will be sent home each semester to inform parents/guardians of their childs progress in all classes. Parents/Guardians and student should review, sign and return this document to the appropriate teacher. Each student is responsible for returning his/her signed grade check the following day for this is part of your childs required assignments.
IV. Course Outline
High School Students will begin in Stage C of instruction.
Level 1: Lexile 200‐400
Level 2: Lexile 400‐700
Level 3: Lexile 500‐900
Level 4: Lexile 800‐1200
Read 180 is taught on a 90‐Minute Instructional Model that consists of:
20 Minutes of Whole‐Group Instruction‐entire class participation.
20 Minutes of Small‐Group Rotation
20 Minutes of instruction
20 Minutes of independent reading
20 Minutes of instructional software
10 Minute Whole‐Group Wrap‐Up
There are 9 Workshops
1. Survivors 6. Amigo Brothers
2. Killer Plague 7. Your Brain Exposed
3. Combat Zone 8. Crime, Punishment and Teens
4. When Music Offends 9. The Front Lines of Justice
5. In The Money
Comprehension Skills Covered:
1. Main Idea and Details 5. Problem and Solution
2. Sequence of Events 6. Cause and Effect
3. Story Elements (Setting, Character, Plot) 7. Compare and Contrast
4.Summarize 8. Inference
Writing Skills Covered:
Expository, Narrative, Persuasive, and Descriptive writing paragraphs
Literature Critiques
Literature Responses
Students are expected to use complete sentences, proper grammar and correct spelling in every written performance; the IEP may reflect specific modifications.
Software Zones (20 Minute Small‐Group Computer Rotation)
Reading Zone: Students watch a video and read a related passage. Then answer ten
vocabulary and comprehension questions to complete this zone.
The Word Zone:Students hear vocabulary words from the passage in the Reading Zone then identify those words from a list. Students will also make their own voice recording of the vocabulary words to review later on.
The Spelling Zone: Students hear and practice spelling words from the passage and identify misspelled words. Students also proofread sentences with misspellings.
The Success Zone: Students complete the above mentioned zones. Students read passages and demonstrate everything they have learned by answering multiple choice and fill‐in‐the blank questions.
(The software provides support in the following languages: Spanish, Vietnamese, Cantonese, Hmong, and Haitian Creole)
Daily attendance is very important! It is difficult to maintain passing grades in Read 180, as
well as other classes with frequent absences. A student is tardy to class if the student is not
in the classroom at the conclusion of the tardy bell, at which time the classroom door will be
Since class participation is an important part of this course and final grade, good
attendance is vital for effective learning and academic progress. Up to 10% of your semester grade may be determined by class participation. Class participation includes such factors as attendance, punctuality, preparation, contribution to the learning environment, and a cooperative attitude.
Contact: hobbsk@mcmsnj.net