1. Students must report to class on time otherwise 25 points will be taken off their DO NOW grade and will be reported as LATE to attendance. (only a written pass from a teacher will excuse you.)Please Note that the do-now has to be attempted in order to get credit.
    1. Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings. 
    2. Be prepared for class daily, with pencils and assignments.
    3. You are expected to treat all teachers, students and visitors with respect.
    4. Insubordination will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave the room if you are unable to act accordingly. 
    5. Students are responsible for making up missed assignments from excused absences. ( You  have 2 weeks to make-up work)

           Make -up work will be found in google classroom.

    1. Use of cell-phones or any electronic device is not permitted in class.(Students will be assigned to a cell phone holder where students keep their phone at the start of class till class ends)
    2. No hats, food, drink, candy or gum is allowed in the classroom.
    3. Do not distract others.
    4. NO foul language.
    5. If you have to stay in shop for any reason during math class time, you must get a signed pass from your shop instructor and have it signed by the math instructor prior to math class time. Failure to do so will result in a zero!
    6. If you are unhappy about something, you can always speak with the instructor.  Many problems can be easily resolved with communication.  That goes for parents/guardians too!!  Please don’t hesitate to call/email. I will get back to you within 24 hr. period.  
    7. Bathroom Policy: One student goes at a time to the bathroom. (No more than 10 minutes)



    You will receive a daily assignment and you will be graded. Assignments will begin as class

    work and will be completed in class unless I give you other directions. If homework is assigned 

    homework is due the next day during your class period, unless I give other directions for a due-date.

    You will receive only partial credit for late work! You will receive a ZERO for any
    assignment not accepted or handed in. If you have an excused absence the day the work is due,
    you may turn it in the day you return, for credit. If you have an EXCUSED ABSENCE, you
    will be given a due date to complete your assignment for credit. For an UNEXCUSED
    ABSENCE, work cannot be made up! It is counted as a zero!!! Assessment will be
    completed in class only.


    Grade breakdown is as follows:

    80% Assessment

    20% Classwork/Other

    Students would be working on a Review Sheet before an Assessment. There
    will be an Assessment every week, unless we do not finish working on the
    section/chapter we were supposed to for that particular week.


    (A- , A, A+) 90 to 100% Excellent; (B- , B, B+) 80 to 89% Good

    (C-, C ,C+) 70 to 79% Average ; D- 65% to 69% Below Average

    F –below 65%Failure I- Incomplete; All Makeup work is due on or before the last

    day of each Marking Period.

     Minimum Grade =50% for each marking period.

    Minimum Grade =50% for each marking period.

    FINAL EXAM -You must receive a 90 (A-) or better EACH marking period to be exempt from final exams.