• United States History II                                            

    United States History II is a required course for all students. This course will include the study of the United States and New Jersey in the Twentieth Century. Economic, political and social forces, which have shaped world, national and state events, will be studied. Multi-ethnic groups and individuals and their impact on world events will be highlighted. US II goes from World War I to the present day.

     Tests and quizzes: There will be 4-6 quizzes and 2-3 tests in each marking period. Periodically, there will be projects that will count as a test, as well as written assignments. 

    All tests will be announced. (35%)   


    Quizzes (25%) These may or may not be announced 

    Writing Assignments (20%) 




    Class Rules  

     1.  Respect each other

     2.  Be on time/ Prepared

     3.  No Cell Phones

      4. NoEating


    Cell Phone Policy from Student Handbook

    Office phones may be used in an emergency ONLY and with permission of an administrator. Students are not permitted to talk or use their phones to record in any way during schools unless permitted by staff.



    Late Work Policy

    1. Students are required to complete missed work due to absences from school. Students

    will be given one (1) day for each day absent to make-up work (example- if a student is

    absent 2 days, he/she will have 2 days to make up work). Upon parental notification, the

    guidance office will request assignments within 24 hours for those students absent three

    (3) or more days.

    2. Students are required to complete missed work due to suspensions from school.

    Students must submit completed work to the appropriate teacher on the day they return

    to school. Students in in-school suspension are responsible to complete all assigned work

    and hand in to the appropriate teacher.

    3. Students absent from school/classes due to field trips/school activities are required to

    obtain assignments and complete missed work by the following school day, unless other

    arrangements have been made with their teacher(s).

    4. Students who lose credit due to cuts or excessive absences must remain in the class and

    fulfill all class requirements in order to be eligible for attendance at summer school.

    5. Students sent home by the school nurse or who sign will receive an absence in each class missed.

    6.. If there is an outside the norm issue as to why work was not complete, please feel free to speak with me.


    Extra help is available for any student who wants to avail him/herself to it. I am available before and after school.


    Parents or students may contact me at leonardisj@mcmsnj.net or call the school.