

Degrees and Certifications:

  • Why did you choose to be a CST teacher?

    Posted by:

    I come from a family of educators, and although I never thought of myself as a "teacher" let alone a High School teacher... Here I am!! 

    I received my Bachelors in Computer Science from NJCU. Once I graduated I started working for Dish Network, within a 6 month employment period, I applied and was officially a Business Analyst (BA) for their IT Department. Now you must be thinking, why is this so important? Well, I was the youngest BA in the USA for their IT Department and the only female in my office. I was proud of myself for reaching my goal, which was to eventually obtain a position in the IT Department where I can shine and show what I know and learned. 

    As I mentioned, I come from a family of educators so eventually my mom found out that the following year all CST teachers will be required to take the Praxis exam as well, so we spoke and decided 'just in case' I ever wanted to go into teaching I should try to atleast get my certificates evaluated... well lets just say I got a job as a Computer Science Business Teacher in Jersey City, NJ and well I loved teaching so much that I decided to stay! :) 

    I have worked in Jersey City (NJ) , Rochester (NY - Adults) , Elizabeth (NJ) and now with Middlesex County, this being my 8th year teaching (if you do not count my time in Rochester, NY) and each year just gets more & more rewarding for me. 

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  • How many years have you been teaching?

    Posted by:

    This would be my 8th year teaching in NJ. Although I have 13+ years teaching experience (counting my employment in Upstate NY)

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  • Why Computers?

    Posted by:

    My Business & Computer teacher in High School got me interested in Coding and Computers. 

    My Business Teacher (Junior year) introduced me to the computer, thats where I learned to type fast without looking. 

    My Computer Teacher (Junior Year) introduced me to Coding, and we got to print out our results in class, it was hard &

    challenging and I loved it! 


    My Graphic Art teacher in High School (Senior Year) taught me how to bring my creative side out. He is the teacher that 

    inspired me to the point that my goal was & is to open up my own Engraving Business Shop. I gave up my yearbook

    class (which was an Easy A) to take his advanced Graphic Art class my 2nd semester of my senior year in high school. 

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