Welcome to Mathematics.

Dear Students , 

Welcome to the first day of school. For the first day of class, you will need to join my Google Classroom .You will also be reviewing my class rules and expectations and complete a Survey.  All my assignments will be posted on Google Classroom.  I will be available during the school day (8:30 - 3:30) for you if you need any help or have questions.  Please do not hesitate to contact me.  My email is pauls@mcmsnj.net. I look forward to working with you this school year.
Stay safe and healthy!
- Mrs. Paul
 Google Classroom Codes:
Pd-2A/2B Geometry  ( A-Day) , S. Paul 10th Graders 
Pd-2A/2B Geometry (B-Day) , S.Paul 10th Graders 
Pd-3A Algebra 1 (A -Day) , S.Paul 9th Graders
Pd-3B Algebra 1 (B-Day) ,S. Paul 9th Graders
Pd-4A Algebra 1 (A -Day) ,S. Paul 9th Graders
Pd-4B Algebra 1(B-Day), S.Paul 9th Graders 