Please see the following FAQs as our Admissions Process has recently changed.
Q. What if my resident district is outside Middlesex County?
A. Only Middlesex County residents will be considered for the Edison Academy. You must be a resident of Middlesex County at the time of submitting an application.
Q. What if I did not complete Algebra 1? Can I take it in summer school?
A. Students must complete a full year of Algebra 1 (prior to graduating middle school) in order to attend the Academy. A summer school course in Algebra 1 is not considered full year.
Q. What if I am in ninth grade? Can I apply?
A. Only eighth graders may apply. Only students placed on the wait list may be considered for admission if an opening becomes available.
Q: What must be included with my application?
- Students are required to fill out the online application to completion along with uploading their 7th grade report cards and 8th grade marking period 1 report card (if available). The application must be submitted by Wednesday, November 27, 2024. Late applications will not be accepted under any circumstance.
Q. What is on the Assessment Test?
A. The Assessment Test consists of mathematics and English sections, as well as an essay. Sample questions are available here. Further contents of the test will not be made available at any time.
Q. What if I am sick and miss the test date?
A. A make-up test date may be administered based on the circumstances of the individual at the discretion of the administration.
Q. What is the acceptance rate?
A. In the past years there have been over 500 applicants for 44 spots.
Q. How and when will I be notified of acceptance?
A. All eligible applicants will be notified of their status via the application portal by the end of January. Students who interview will be offered or declined admission in March.
Q. Can more than one student from a district be accepted?
A. Yes, as space permits, multiple acceptances from a school district may be considered.
Q. Is there a waiting list?
A. All students who qualify for admission are either accepted or placed on the waiting list. All applications are kept on file through the following school year. Should a spot open up, the waiting list will be reviewed for a replacement.
Q. What AP courses are offered at the Academy?
A. Please refer to our Academics section here to see all courses offered, including AP courses. You can view required and elective courses by subject.
Q. What AP exams are offered at the Academy?
A. In addition to those corresponding to our AP courses, we administer a few additional self-study AP exams to students. Approval is needed from administration at the time of registration. You must be a student of Edison Academy to take an AP exam.