- Edison Academy Magnet School
- Setting up Teacher Page
Standard Welcome Page
Posted by Amro Mosaad on 7/24/2013 1:30:00 PM
In looking at the websites of many different schools, you will find some that use a standard format for the welcome page of each teacher and some that do not. The ones with standard welcome pages look a lot nicer. For example, compare the teacher pages at http://www.blair.edu/academics/who-are-Blair-faculty/index.aspx with those at http://www.mtsd.k12.nj.us/site/Default.aspx?PageType=1&SiteID=79&ChannelID=131&DirectoryType=6 or any other school.
In an effort to have a standard welcome page for each teacher, I ask that you follow these steps -
1. Add a page type entitled About Teacher Page - Edison Version. The title that you choose will appear in the menu to the left. I entitled mine Welcome.
2. Click on the page name. You will see two boxes - one called About Teacher App and one called Flex Page App. Click on About Teacher App.
3. On the About Teacher App, fill in your name. Then using bold size 18 font , where it says Biography, enter your department name on one line, then Academy Teacher Since (enter year here) on the next line. See my page or John Doe's page if you're not clear on this. If you have a photo of yourself that you like, upload it here. Click save.
4. Click on Details. Enter your Email and Phone number here. Do not enter your Education & credentials here. You will enter that elsewhere. Click save.
6. Click on the page name (e.g. Welcome), then click on the box entitled Flex Page App. Here you should see the format for entering your educational background. Write the info for your Bachelor's degree over the example listed. Enter info for any higher degrees in the same format, one per line.
7. Click save.
8. Click on the Summary tab, then click on Organize pages. You will need to drag the newly created page (it has an apple icon) to the top so that it will be your homepage. Click save.
9. Click View website at the top of the screen. If you see your new page, then you've done it correctly, and you can delete the old Welcome page (the one without the apple). If not, then review the previous steps, and email me if you need help.
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