Cooperative Education

  • Middlesex County Magnet Schools students are an important part of the Middlesex County community. Our Cooperative Vocational Education Program provides students the opportunity to gain valuable work experience at local business and industry sites throughout the greater Middlesex County area. During the school year, students are employed by approximately 150 local businesses.

    Participating students receive a half-day of academic instruction at their Magnet School and a half day of work experience at a supervised job site. Cooperative education coordinators inspect the work site, supervise the placement, provide related classes, and make worksite visitations.   

Industry Partnerships

  • The five Middlesex County Magnet Schools are proven providers of career and technical education. These innovative schools collaborate with employers to provide a wide range of programs that respond to local, regional and statewide employment and economic needs and prepare students for the technology-driven jobs of today and tomorrow. Our schools work closely with active members of the business community to ensure maximum relevancy. 

    Maximum Relevance Achieved by Consulting Advisory Committees

    Advisory committees, composed of some 250 active members from business, labor, and industry, lead to program effectiveness. Input from the committees helps keep programs and services current. The groups review curriculum and make recommendations for program and equipment modifications. This input keeps programs realistic and closely related to the employment needs in Middlesex County. Committees generally have at least five members who represent employers, organized labor, the business community, and the general public. Many members employ our students.

    “Staying connected to business and industry and the community means staying current. The quality of our programs and students can readily be seen by the number of graduates who either enter employment or continue their education at the postsecondary level.”

    For more information:

    Please visit the Department of Career and Technical Education at Middlesex County Magnet Schools.