- Middlesex County Magnet Schools
- About Student Services
Jeffrey Bicsko
Assistant Superintendent504 Coordinator, District Anti-Bullying Coordinator
732-257-3300, ext. 1930bicskoj@mcmsnj.net
Samantha Tortorello
Administrative Assistant
to the Assistant Superintendent
732-257-3300, ext. 1930
Student Services and Program Development
The primary goal of the Middlesex County Magnet Schools is to prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s careers. We prepare students for employment in the competitive labor force and for life-long learning by providing a program that stresses the work ethic, technology, occupational skill's competency, broadly transferable academic thinking, problem-solving and communication skills, diversity and equity and the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.
The Department of Student Services oversees a broad range of services for students within the district. The mission of the department is to provide support services to students that maximize their success in the school district and thereafter, while supporting the mission of the district. Support services and programs available to students include guidance, school health services, special education, cooperative education, athletics and extracurricular activitiesSection 504 is a part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a federal civil rights law in the United States. It prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in programs and activities that receive federal funding, including public schools and many private schools. Under Section 504, schools must provide eligible students with appropriate educational services designed to meet their individual needs to the same extent as the needs of students without disabilities are met. This can include accommodations and modifications to the learning environment, curriculum, or testing procedures to ensure that students with disabilities have equal access to education and can participate fully in school activities.