Focus on Technology

  • Middlesex County Magnet Schools believe focusing on technology provides our students, faculty and administration the opportunity to achieve a valuable educational experience. Technology has become an integral part of the educational process, and it is imperative that all our students and staff have secure and ample access to technological tools that will aid in both teaching and learning. The district boasts a near two-to-one computer-to-student ratio, with desktops, laptops, tablets, projectors, and other educational technology consistently and readily available to all members of our learning community.

    Meeting Tomorrow's Challenges

    Technology has fueled a fundamental change that requires a shift in instructional approaches. The daily use of technology in the classroom affords our students the opportunity to make the invaluable connection between their educational experience and real-life applications. This incorporation of assistive technologies, as well as digital resources in the learning process of our students, allows them to develop the necessary skills, knowledge and capacities to ensure they are successful in their post-graduate endeavors. Our purpose is to prepare our students to be active, contributing participants in our competitive 21st century society by providing them with an engaging and empowering learning experience resulting from a rich, technology-driven, student-centered curriculum.

    For more information: 

    Please visit the Department of Instructional Services at Middlesex County Magnet Schools.