- Middlesex County Magnet Schools
- Career Majors
- Agriscience
AgriScience provides students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience within the field of agriculture, including: greenhouse management, floriculture, plant science, food science, and biotechnology. The AgriScience program follows the Curriculum for Agricultural Science (CASE) Plant Pathway. Once completing the CASE Plant Pathway, students can graduate with college credits determined by articulation agreements. The diversity of this course, along with their involvement in the FFA (ffa.org), will prepare students for employment within the field of agriculture or to continue on to college.
Planned Scope and Sequence
Grade Curriculum
9 Basic Plant Physiology
Basic Plant Requirements
Introduction to FFA
Greenhouse I
Plant Taxonomy I
Floral Design I
10 Greenhouse II
Plant Taxonomy II
Floral Design II
Landscaping I
FFA (continued)
Advanced Plant Requirements
Safety (Continued)
11 Independent Study
Greenhouse III
Plant Taxonomy III
Advanced Floral Design I
Advanced Landscape Architecture I
Arboriculture/Ornamental Horticulture I
Turf grass I
FFA (continued)
Safety (Continued)
12 Independent Study
Greenhouse IV
Plant Taxonomy IV
Advanced Floral Design II
Advanced Landscape Architecture II
Insects and Diseases
Arboriculture/Ornamental Horticulture II
Turf grass II
FFA (continued)
Safety (Continued)
Piscataway Magnet School
21 Suttons Lane
Piscataway, NJ 08854
(732) 985-0717
East Brunswick Magnet School
112 Rues Lane
East Brunswick, NJ 08816
(732) 254-8700