• New Jersey Educational Stability permits children to remain in their home school when they enter foster care. Local educational agencies (LEAs) are required to work with child welfare agencies to keep children in foster care in the same school when their living placements change if remaining in that school is in the child's best interest


    Local educational agencies (LEAs) must implement the Title I educational stability requirements for children in foster care, ensuring that:

    • A child in foster care remains in his or her school of origin unless it is determined that remaining in the school of origin is not in that child's best interest;
    • To the extent feasible and appropriate, the child remains in his or her school of origin while this determination is being made by DCF;
    • If it is not in the child's best interest to stay in his or her school of origin, the child must be immediately enrolled in the new school even if the child is unable to produce records typically required for enrollment;
    • The new (enrolling) school immediately must contact the school of origin to obtain relevant academic and other records; and
    • Upon notification from DCF of their designated Point of Contacts (POCs), the LEAs must designate a corresponding POC.

    Click here for additional resources from the Department of Children and Families (DCF) or contact Dr. Renee Davis (District Educational Stability Liaison) at davisr@mcmsnj.net or 732-257-3300 ext. 1934.